Is to advocate and encourage healthy growth, nutrition, and development for children from newborn to age three.
Providing pregnancy and basic needs resources, parenting education, and linkage
to community resources to pregnant and parenting at-risk mothers, fathers, and
guardians with infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 to address Social Determinants of Health.
Message from the Executive Director Sharon Lyles
There was one day in my life when I had only one diaper and the adhesive strip would not stick. I had no idea where I would get another diaper from.
Little things impact big things. For example, a mother without an adequate supply of clean diapers for her baby cannot send her child to daycare, and as a result cannot go to work to earn the paycheck she needs to remain self-sufficient. I get to witness the importance of what we do in my day-to-day work by helping to collect diaper donations and other baby essentials. I’m fortunate enough to see the process of the diaper collection and diaper distribution so I can visualize the small things adding up
About Us
Established in September 1995 with a passion to assist to pregnant and parenting at-risk mothers, fathers, and guardians with infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 with diapers, food security, safe sleep environment and other basic essentials for their infants and toddlers that are needed to thrive. This organization was inspired with the belief that all children should receive quality care and have their basic needs met.
Our Programs
Parent Learning academy
Weekly Zoom sessions include topics that impact parents and their children. Topics include Prenatal, Post Partum, Breast Feeding, Safe Sleep, Financial Literacy, Children’s Story Hour, ESOL, and Mental Health awareness.
Healthy Babies
Promotes the well-being, healthy growth and development of babies through the provision of diapers, nutritional items, wipes, other baby items and education.
Additional Programs
Assures that families are able to meet their baby’s nutritional needs through the emergency food pantry where we provide baby formula.

Central Florida Diaper Bank partners with a variety of government and social service organizations throughout the Central Florida region to provide diapers and other essential hygiene products, food security, education, social and health referrals to families. Our amazing community collaborations have already helped thousands of families each month across a wide range of program service areas including social, health, food security, housing, and education. Our goal is to provide families with comprehensive wrap around services.